Monday, May 13, 2013

Chapterhouse: Dune – Entry #10

It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible.
(Chapterhouse: Dune, p. 59)

This is from a chapter starter and taken from Missionaria Protectiva.  It is an unpleasant thought leaving little hope that those with power wield their power for “common good”.  But sometimes, it just feels like this is the reality at work.

Chapterhouse: Dune – Entry #9

Built into his machine, she thought. That said something about the way humans were fitted to the things they did.  Lucilla sensed a weakening force in this thought.  If you fitted yourself too tightly to one thing, other abilities atrophied.  We become what we do.
(Chapterhouse: Dune, p. 36)

Just a reminder from Reverend Mother Lucilla that if we are not vigilant, we become what we do!

Reminder: be more than your work.