Thursday, April 21, 2011

House Harkonnen - Entry #5

Unbelievably, I am done with House Harkonnen and moving on to House Corrino.  I have three "chapter starters" to post and comment on.  The first two are Zensunni wisdoms and are so, well, poetic.

A man may fight the greatest enemy, take the longest journey, survive the most grievous wound - and still be helpless in the hands of the woman he loves.
- Zensunni Wisdom from the Wandering
(House Harkonnen, p. 397)

Freedom is an elusive concept.  Some men hold themselves prisoner even when they have the power to do as they please and go where they choose, while others are free in their hearts, even as shackles restrain them.
- Zensunni Wisdom from the Wandering
(House Harkonnen, p. 432)

The first one was so moving.  Sometimes, my sweet husband will say something that makes me feel the truth of this and the responsibility of having this power is overwhelming.

The second one happened to fit in again with the Passover theme of freedom and was so timely ... this being the week of Passover.

The following chapter starter is a quote my daughter sent to me over a year ago which I added to my signature for all my emails from work.

The capacity to learn is a gift;
The ability to learn is a skill;
The willingness to learn is a choice.
(House Harkonnen, p. 532)

As an educator, this was most fitting.  Some students just have the capacity, but others can develop the ability to learn.  However, the most important thing is to be willing to learn, to come to the classroom with an open mind and to put the effort in.

The insight in to the training of the Swordmasters of Ginaz was certainly one of the most interesting parts to House Harkonnen.  The reknown of fighters from Ginaz goes back to before the Butlerian Jihad and the beginnings of the school for the Swordmasters of Ginaz are described in The Butlerian Jihad, The Machine Crusade, and The Battle of Corrin.  So to learn more about what the eight year program is like, and to watch Duncan Idaho go through it all and succeed, was so rewarding.  We really see Duncan develop in to a man and I think that training is a key to his long term success.

Finally, the last quote I wanted to include from this book is a quote from Lady Jessica to Duke Leto.  Leto is contemplating a Tleilaxu offer to make a ghola from dead Victor's cells but they also want Prince Rhombur handed over.  Duke Leto is so filled with grief over the loss of his son, he is seriously considering the offer and Jessica says "You must never love the dead more than the living" (House Harkonnen, p. 700).  That is just solid advice, I want to make sure to remember it.

Now ... on to House Corrino!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

House Harkonnen - Entry #3

The Bene Gesserit tell no casual lies.  Truth serves us better.
Chapter Starter, House Harkonnen, p. 146

I tell no lies ... truth serves me better.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

House Harkonnen - Entry #2

"Ages ago, during the Butlerian Jihad, most people were merely organic automatons, following the commands of thinking machines. Beaten down, they never questioned, never resisted, never thought. They were people, but had lost the spark that made them human. Still, a core of their kind resisted. They fought back, refused to give up, and ultimately prevailed.  They alone remembered what it was to be human. We must never forget the lessons of those perilous times." (House Harkonnen, p. 313)

This quote is from Gaius Helen Mohiam who is prepping 13-year-old Jessica for the "death-alternative challenge" to determine if she is, in fact, a human child. I thought this quote really explained to me better than I had recalled why this test was administered over the ages. Also, as Passover is approaching, it calls to mind the same kind of thinking and discussion that is to take place at Passover seder.  We are to remember what it was like to be slaves and feel like we, ourselves, have been liberated.  We are never to forget how important freedom is. And at the same time, we are supposed to recall the pain and suffering inflicted upon our oppressors during the Plagues and feel empathy toward the other humans.

I can't wait for seder so we can discuss this while we drink our four cups of wine!!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

House Harkonnen - Entry #1

Nature commits no errors; right and wrong are human categories.
Arrakis Lectures
Dune: House Harkonnen, p. 50

I just liked the sound of that quote.